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Comprehensive List of SWReg Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:35 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of SWReg Commands with Descriptions
**SWReg** is a command-line utility used for managing the Windows Registry. It allows you to add, delete, query, and modify registry keys and values. Below is a detailed list of SWReg commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Adding a Registry Key
Description: Creates a new registry key in the specified path.
Code: swreg add [RootKey]\[SubKey]
Example: To add a new key `MySoftware` under `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software`:
Code: swreg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware
2. Adding a Registry Value
Description: Creates a new value under a specified registry key.
Code: swreg add [RootKey]\[SubKey] /v [ValueName] /t [Type] /d [Data]
Example: To add a `String` value `Version` with data `1.0` under `MySoftware`:
Code: swreg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware /v Version /t REG_SZ /d 1.0
3. Deleting a Registry Key
Description: Deletes a specified registry key and all its subkeys.
Code: swreg delete [RootKey]\[SubKey]
Example: To delete the `MySoftware` key under `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software`:
Code: swreg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware
4. Deleting a Registry Value
Description: Deletes a specific value from a registry key.
Code: swreg delete [RootKey]\[SubKey] /v [ValueName]
Example: To delete the `Version` value from the `MySoftware` key:
Code: swreg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware /v Version
5. Querying a Registry Key or Value
Description: Queries and displays the contents of a specified registry key or value.
Code: swreg query [RootKey]\[SubKey]
Example: To query the contents of the `MySoftware` key:
Code: swreg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware
6. Modifying a Registry Value
Description: Modifies the data of an existing registry value.
Code: swreg add [RootKey]\[SubKey] /v [ValueName] /t [Type] /d [NewData] /f
Example: To modify the `Version` value to `2.0`:
Code: swreg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware /v Version /t REG_SZ /d 2.0 /f
Note: The `/f` flag forces the overwrite of the existing value without prompting.
7. Exporting a Registry Key to a File
Description: Exports a specified registry key to a `.reg` file for backup or transfer.
Code: swreg export [RootKey]\[SubKey] [FilePath]
Example: To export the `MySoftware` key to `backup.reg`:
Code: swreg export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware C:\backup.reg
8. Importing a Registry Key from a File
Description: Imports registry keys and values from a `.reg` file into the registry.
Code: swreg import [FilePath]
Example: To import keys and values from `backup.reg`:
Code: swreg import C:\backup.reg
9. Listing Subkeys and Values in a Key
Description: Lists all subkeys and values under a specified registry key.
Code: swreg list [RootKey]\[SubKey]
Example: To list all subkeys and values under `MySoftware`:
Code: swreg list HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware
10. Checking If a Registry Key Exists
Description: Checks if a specified registry key exists.
Code: swreg exists [RootKey]\[SubKey]
Example: To check if the `MySoftware` key exists:
Code: swreg exists HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MySoftware
11. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the SWReg command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for SWReg:
The **SWReg** command-line utility is a powerful tool for managing the Windows Registry, making it an essential utility for system administrators, developers, and power users. By mastering these commands, you can efficiently manage registry keys and values, automate registry tasks, and maintain system configurations.
Happy Registry Management!
Comprehensive List of SQLite3 Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:33 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of SQLite3 Commands with Descriptions
**SQLite3** is a command-line utility that allows you to interact with SQLite databases. It is widely used for creating, querying, and managing SQLite database files. Below is a detailed list of SQLite3 commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Opening an SQLite Database
Description: Opens an existing SQLite database file or creates a new one if it does not exist.
Code: sqlite3 [DatabaseFile]
Example: To open or create a database called `example.db`:
2. Creating a Table
Description: Creates a new table in the SQLite database with specified columns and data types.
Code: CREATE TABLE [TableName] ([Column1] [DataType], [Column2] [DataType], ...);
Example: To create a table named `users` with `id`, `name`, and `email` columns:
3. Inserting Data into a Table
Description: Inserts a new row of data into a specified table.
Code: INSERT INTO [TableName] ([Column1], [Column2], ...) VALUES ([Value1], [Value2], ...);
Example: To insert a new user into the `users` table:
Code: INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('John Doe', 'john@example.com');
4. Querying Data from a Table
Description: Selects and retrieves data from a table based on specified conditions.
Code: SELECT [Columns] FROM [TableName] WHERE [Condition];
Example: To retrieve all users from the `users` table:
Code: SELECT * FROM users;
5. Updating Data in a Table
Description: Updates existing data in a table based on specified conditions.
Code: UPDATE [TableName] SET [Column1] = [Value1], [Column2] = [Value2] WHERE [Condition];
Example: To update the email address of the user with `id = 1`:
Code: UPDATE users SET email = 'newemail@example.com' WHERE id = 1;
6. Deleting Data from a Table
Description: Deletes rows from a table based on specified conditions.
Code: DELETE FROM [TableName] WHERE [Condition];
Example: To delete the user with `id = 1` from the `users` table:
Code: DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 1;
7. Dropping a Table
Description: Removes a table and all its data from the database.
Code: DROP TABLE [TableName];
Example: To drop the `users` table:
8. Importing Data from a CSV File
Description: Imports data from a CSV file into a specified table.
Code: .mode csv
.import [CSVFilePath] [TableName]
Example: To import data from `users.csv` into the `users` table:
Code: .mode csv
.import users.csv users
9. Exporting Data to a CSV File
Description: Exports data from a table to a CSV file.
Code: .mode csv
.output [CSVFilePath]
SELECT * FROM [TableName];
Example: To export all data from the `users` table to `output.csv`:
Code: .mode csv
.output output.csv
SELECT * FROM users;
10. Showing All Tables in the Database
Description: Displays a list of all tables in the current SQLite database.
Example: To show all tables:
11. Describing a Table Structure
Description: Shows the schema (structure) of a specified table, including its columns and data types.
Example: To show the structure of the `users` table:
12. Exiting the SQLite3 Shell
Description: Exits the SQLite3 command-line interface.
Example: To exit the SQLite3 shell:
13. Executing SQL from a File
Description: Executes SQL commands from a specified file.
Example: To execute SQL commands from `script.sql`:
14. Backing Up the Database to a File
Description: Creates a backup of the current database by exporting it to a new file.
Code: .backup [BackupFilePath]
Example: To back up the database to `backup.db`:
15. Restoring a Database from a Backup
Description: Restores the database from a backup file.
Code: .restore [BackupFilePath]
Example: To restore the database from `backup.db`:
16. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the SQLite3 command, listing all available commands and options.
Example: To display help information in SQLite3:
The **SQLite3** command-line utility is a powerful tool for managing SQLite databases, making it an essential utility for developers, database administrators, and anyone working with SQLite. By mastering these commands, you can efficiently create, query, and manage your databases, ensuring effective data management and retrieval.
Happy Database Management!
Comprehensive List of SetPath Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:31 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of SetPath Commands with Descriptions
**SetPath** is a command-line utility used to manage and modify the PATH environment variable in Windows. The PATH variable is crucial as it tells the operating system where to look for executable files. Below is a detailed list of SetPath commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Viewing the Current PATH Variable
Description: Displays the current contents of the PATH environment variable.
Example: To view the current PATH variable:
2. Adding a Directory to the PATH Variable
Description: Adds a specified directory to the system or user PATH variable.
Code: setpath /a [DirectoryPath]
Example: To add `C:\MyProgram\bin` to the PATH:
Code: setpath /a C:\MyProgram\bin
3. Removing a Directory from the PATH Variable
Description: Removes a specified directory from the PATH variable if it exists.
Code: setpath /r [DirectoryPath]
Example: To remove `C:\MyProgram\bin` from the PATH:
Code: setpath /r C:\MyProgram\bin
4. Appending a Directory to the PATH (if not already present)
Description: Appends a directory to the PATH variable only if it is not already included.
Code: setpath /p [DirectoryPath]
Example: To append `C:\MyProgram\bin` to the PATH if it's not already there:
Code: setpath /p C:\MyProgram\bin
5. Prepending a Directory to the PATH Variable
Description: Prepends a directory to the PATH variable, ensuring it is searched first.
Code: setpath /f [DirectoryPath]
Example: To prepend `C:\MyProgram\bin` to the PATH:
Code: setpath /f C:\MyProgram\bin
6. Replacing an Existing Directory in the PATH
Description: Replaces an existing directory in the PATH variable with a new one.
Code: setpath /c [OldDirectoryPath] [NewDirectoryPath]
Example: To replace `C:\OldProgram\bin` with `C:\NewProgram\bin` in the PATH:
Code: setpath /c C:\OldProgram\bin C:\NewProgram\bin
7. Setting the PATH Variable to a Specific Value
Description: Sets the PATH variable to a specific value, replacing all existing entries.
Code: setpath /s [DirectoryPath1];[DirectoryPath2];...
Example: To set the PATH variable to only include `C:\MyProgram\bin` and `C:\Windows\System32`:
Code: setpath /s C:\MyProgram\bin;C:\Windows\System32
8. Clearing the PATH Variable
Description: Clears the PATH variable completely, removing all directories.
Example: To clear the PATH variable:
Warning: Clearing the PATH variable can make the system unusable until it's restored.
9. Saving the Current PATH to a File
Description: Saves the current PATH variable to a text file for backup or review.
Code: setpath /save [FilePath]
Example: To save the current PATH variable to `path_backup.txt`:
Code: setpath /save C:\Backup\path_backup.txt
10. Restoring the PATH from a Backup File
Description: Restores the PATH variable from a previously saved backup file.
Code: setpath /load [FilePath]
Example: To restore the PATH variable from `path_backup.txt`:
Code: setpath /load C:\Backup\path_backup.txt
11. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the SetPath command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for SetPath:
The **SetPath** command is a powerful utility for managing the PATH environment variable in Windows, making it an essential tool for developers, system administrators, and power users. By mastering these commands, you can efficiently control which directories are included in the PATH, ensuring smooth operation and easy access to the necessary programs.
Happy Path Management!
Comprehensive List of Sed Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:29 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of Sed Commands with Descriptions
**sed** (Stream Editor) is a powerful command-line utility used for parsing and transforming text in files or streams. It is commonly used for text substitution, deletion, and other forms of text processing. Below is a detailed list of sed commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Basic Text Substitution
Description: Replaces the first occurrence of a pattern in each line of a file or stream.
Code: sed 's/old_text/new_text/' [file]
Example: To replace "foo" with "bar" in `example.txt`:
Code: sed 's/foo/bar/' example.txt
2. Global Text Substitution
Description: Replaces all occurrences of a pattern in each line of a file or stream.
Code: sed 's/old_text/new_text/g' [file]
Example: To replace all occurrences of "foo" with "bar" in `example.txt`:
Code: sed 's/foo/bar/g' example.txt
3. Substitution with In-Place Editing
Description: Replaces text in a file and saves the changes directly to the file.
Code: sed -i 's/old_text/new_text/g' [file]
Example: To replace all occurrences of "foo" with "bar" in `example.txt` and save the changes:
Code: sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' example.txt
4. Case-Insensitive Substitution
Description: Replaces text in a case-insensitive manner.
Code: sed 's/old_text/new_text/I' [file]
Example: To replace "Foo", "FOO", and "foo" with "bar":
Code: sed 's/foo/bar/I' example.txt
5. Deleting Lines Matching a Pattern
Description: Deletes lines that match a specific pattern.
Code: sed '/pattern/d' [file]
Example: To delete all lines containing the word "delete" in `example.txt`:
Code: sed '/delete/d' example.txt
6. Deleting a Specific Line
Description: Deletes a specific line by line number.
Example: To delete the 3rd line in `example.txt`:
Code: sed '3d' example.txt
7. Inserting Text Before a Line
Description: Inserts text before a specific line in a file.
Code: sed 'N i\new_text' [file]
Example: To insert "Hello, World!" before the 2nd line in `example.txt`:
Code: sed '2i\Hello, World!' example.txt
8. Appending Text After a Line
Description: Appends text after a specific line in a file.
Code: sed 'N a\new_text' [file]
Example: To append "Goodbye!" after the 3rd line in `example.txt`:
Code: sed '3a\Goodbye!' example.txt
9. Replacing Text on a Specific Line
Description: Replaces text only on a specific line.
Code: sed 'Ns/old_text/new_text/' [file]
Example: To replace "foo" with "bar" only on the 4th line:
Code: sed '4s/foo/bar/' example.txt
10. Replacing Text Between Two Lines
Description: Replaces text between two line numbers or patterns.
Code: sed 'N,M s/old_text/new_text/g' [file]
Example: To replace "foo" with "bar" between lines 3 and 5:
Code: sed '3,5 s/foo/bar/g' example.txt
11. Printing Only Matching Lines
Description: Prints only the lines that match a specific pattern.
Code: sed -n '/pattern/p' [file]
Example: To print only lines containing "foo":
Code: sed -n '/foo/p' example.txt
12. Printing Line Numbers
Description: Prints the line numbers along with the content of each line.
Code: sed '=' [file] | sed 'N;s/\n/\t/'
Example: To print the line numbers along with the lines in `example.txt`:
Code: sed '=' example.txt | sed 'N;s/\n/\t/'
13. Using Multiple Sed Commands
Description: Executes multiple sed commands in a single invocation.
Code: sed -e 'command1' -e 'command2' [file]
Example: To replace "foo" with "bar" and delete lines containing "delete":
Code: sed -e 's/foo/bar/g' -e '/delete/d' example.txt
14. Using Sed with Regular Expressions
Description: Uses regular expressions for more complex pattern matching.
Code: sed 's/regex_pattern/replacement/' [file]
Example: To replace any sequence of digits with "number":
Code: sed 's/[0-9]\+/number/g' example.txt
15. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the sed command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for sed:
The **sed** command is a powerful and versatile tool for text processing, making it an essential utility for anyone working with text files or streams on Unix/Linux systems. By mastering these commands, you can efficiently manipulate text data, automate editing tasks, and streamline your workflow.
Happy Editing!
Comprehensive List of S0rt Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:27 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of S0rt Commands with Descriptions
**S0rt** is a command-line utility used for sorting lines of text in files or streams based on different criteria such as alphabetical order, numerical order, or custom fields. Below is a detailed list of S0rt commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Sorting a File Alphabetically
Description: Sorts the lines in a text file in alphabetical order.
Code: s0rt [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort the lines of `example.txt` alphabetically and save the result to `sorted.txt`:
Code: s0rt example.txt > sorted.txt
2. Sorting in Reverse Order
Description: Sorts the lines in a text file in reverse alphabetical order.
Code: s0rt -r [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort the lines of `example.txt` in reverse order:
Code: s0rt -r example.txt > sorted.txt
3. Sorting Numerically
Description: Sorts the lines in a text file based on numerical values, rather than treating the values as strings.
Code: s0rt -n [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort the lines of `numbers.txt` numerically:
Code: s0rt -n numbers.txt > sorted_numbers.txt
4. Sorting by a Specific Field
Description: Sorts the lines of a text file based on a specific field or column.
Code: s0rt -k [FieldNumber] [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort `data.txt` by the second field:
Code: s0rt -k 2 data.txt > sorted_data.txt
5. Sorting Case-Insensitive
Description: Sorts the lines in a text file without considering case differences (e.g., "a" is treated the same as "A").
Code: s0rt -f [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort `example.txt` alphabetically without considering case:
Code: s0rt -f example.txt > sorted.txt
6. Sorting Unique Lines Only
Description: Sorts the lines in a text file and removes any duplicate lines.
Code: s0rt -u [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort `example.txt` and remove duplicate lines:
Code: s0rt -u example.txt > sorted_unique.txt
7. Sorting with a Custom Delimiter
Description: Sorts the lines in a text file using a custom field delimiter.
Code: s0rt -t [Delimiter] [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort `data.csv` based on the second field, using a comma as the delimiter:
Code: s0rt -t , -k 2 data.csv > sorted_data.csv
8. Sorting by Month Names
Description: Sorts lines in a text file based on month names (e.g., "January" before "February").
Code: s0rt -M [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort `months.txt` by month names:
Code: s0rt -M months.txt > sorted_months.txt
9. Sorting with Stability (Preserve Original Order for Equal Elements)
Description: Sorts the lines in a text file while preserving the original order of lines that compare equal.
Code: s0rt --stable [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To sort `data.txt` while preserving the order of equal elements:
Code: s0rt --stable data.txt > stable_sorted.txt
10. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the S0rt command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for S0rt:
The **S0rt** command is a versatile tool for sorting lines in text files based on various criteria, making it an essential utility for data processing, text manipulation, and script automation. By mastering these commands, you can efficiently organize and manage text data in Unix/Linux systems.
Happy Sorting!
Comprehensive List of RNullFix64 Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:25 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of RNullFix64 Commands with Descriptions
**RNullFix64** is a command-line utility used to address and fix issues related to null sessions or null device errors on 64-bit Windows systems. These issues can arise in networking or security contexts, particularly when dealing with legacy applications or configurations. Below is a detailed list of RNullFix64 commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Fixing Null Device Errors
Description: Attempts to fix null device errors on the system, which can resolve issues related to null sessions or devices.
Example: To fix null device errors on the system:
2. Checking for Null Device Issues
Description: Scans the system for potential null device issues without making any changes.
Code: rnullfix64.exe /check
Example: To check for null device issues on the system:
Code: rnullfix64.exe /check
3. Resetting Null Device Configuration
Description: Resets the system's null device configuration to its default settings.
Code: rnullfix64.exe /reset
Example: To reset the null device configuration:
Code: rnullfix64.exe /reset
4. Displaying Current Null Device Status
Description: Displays the current status of the system's null device configuration, providing details on any detected issues.
Code: rnullfix64.exe /status
Example: To display the current null device status:
Code: rnullfix64.exe /status
5. Logging Output to a File
Description: Logs the output of RNullFix64 operations to a specified file for later review or auditing.
Code: rnullfix64.exe /log [LogFilePath]
Example: To log the output to `fix_log.txt`:
Code: rnullfix64.exe /log C:\Logs\fix_log.txt
6. Running in Silent Mode
Description: Runs the RNullFix64 utility in silent mode, performing actions without displaying any output to the console.
Code: rnullfix64.exe /silent
Example: To fix null device errors silently:
Code: rnullfix64.exe /fix /silent
7. Forcing an Immediate Reboot After Fixing
Description: Forces the system to reboot immediately after applying fixes to ensure changes take effect.
Code: rnullfix64.exe /fix /reboot
Example: To fix null device errors and reboot the system immediately:
Code: rnullfix64.exe /fix /reboot
8. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the RNullFix64 command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Code: rnullfix64.exe /help
Example: To display help information for RNullFix64:
Code: rnullfix64.exe /help
The **RNullFix64** command is a specialized utility for addressing and fixing null device or null session issues on 64-bit Windows systems. By mastering these commands, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve issues that might be impacting network security or legacy application compatibility.
Happy Troubleshooting!
Comprehensive List of RMBR Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:24 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of RMBR Commands with Descriptions
**RMBR** (Remove MBR) is a command-line utility used to remove or manipulate the Master Boot Record (MBR) on a disk. This can be useful for cleaning up disks before reformatting or preparing them for new installations. Below is a detailed list of RMBR commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Removing the Master Boot Record
Description: Removes the MBR from a specified disk, effectively wiping out the partition table and bootloader.
Example: To remove the MBR from disk 0:
Code: rmbr.exe \\.\PhysicalDrive0
Warning: This operation will remove the partition table, making the disk's contents inaccessible until reformatted.
2. Creating a Backup of the MBR
Description: Creates a backup of the current MBR before removing it, allowing you to restore it later if needed.
Code: rmbr.exe -b [BackupFile] [Disk]
Example: To back up the MBR of disk 0 to `mbr_backup.bin`:
Code: rmbr.exe -b mbr_backup.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0
3. Restoring the MBR from a Backup
Description: Restores a previously backed-up MBR to a specified disk.
Code: rmbr.exe -r [BackupFile] [Disk]
Example: To restore the MBR on disk 0 from `mbr_backup.bin`:
Code: rmbr.exe -r mbr_backup.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0
4. Displaying the MBR Information
Description: Displays information about the MBR on a specified disk, including partition table details.
Example: To display the MBR information for disk 0:
Code: rmbr.exe -i \\.\PhysicalDrive0
5. Clearing the Partition Table Only
Description: Clears the partition table without removing the entire MBR, which can be useful for preparing a disk for a new partitioning scheme.
Example: To clear the partition table on disk 0:
Code: rmbr.exe -c \\.\PhysicalDrive0
6. Restoring a Standard MBR
Description: Writes a standard MBR to the disk, typically restoring the original boot code but not the partition table.
Example: To restore a standard MBR to disk 0:
Code: rmbr.exe -s \\.\PhysicalDrive0
7. Verifying the MBR Integrity
Description: Compares the current MBR on a disk with a backup to verify its integrity.
Code: rmbr.exe -v [BackupFile] [Disk]
Example: To verify the MBR on disk 0 against `mbr_backup.bin`:
Code: rmbr.exe -v mbr_backup.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0
8. Writing a Custom MBR
Description: Writes a custom MBR from a binary file to a specified disk, which can be used for specialized boot configurations.
Code: rmbr.exe -w [CustomMBRFile] [Disk]
Example: To write a custom MBR from `custom_mbr.bin` to disk 0:
Code: rmbr.exe -w custom_mbr.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0
9. Force Removing the MBR
Description: Forcefully removes the MBR, bypassing any warnings or checks.
Example: To forcefully remove the MBR from disk 0:
Code: rmbr.exe -f \\.\PhysicalDrive0
Warning: Use this option with caution as it will immediately remove the MBR without prompting.
10. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the RMBR command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for RMBR:
The **RMBR** command is a powerful utility for managing and removing the Master Boot Record on a disk, making it an essential tool for system administrators and advanced users. By mastering these commands, you can effectively prepare disks for reformatting, clean up unwanted boot records, and ensure the integrity of your disk setups.
Happy Disk Management!
Comprehensive List of PV Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:20 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of PV Commands with Descriptions
**pv** (Pipe Viewer) is a command-line utility used to monitor the progress of data through a pipeline, providing real-time visual feedback on data transfer rates, time elapsed, estimated time remaining, and more. Below is a detailed list of PV commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Basic Data Transfer Monitoring
Description: Monitors the progress of data transfer through a pipeline.
Code: pv [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To monitor the copying of `inputfile` to `outputfile`:
Code: pv inputfile > outputfile
2. Limiting Data Transfer Rate
Description: Limits the data transfer rate to a specified number of bytes per second.
Code: pv -L [Rate] [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To limit the data transfer rate to 1MB per second:
Code: pv -L 1m inputfile > outputfile
3. Showing the Progress Bar Only
Description: Displays only the progress bar, suppressing other output.
Code: pv -p [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To show just the progress bar during file transfer:
Code: pv -p inputfile > outputfile
4. Showing ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
Description: Displays the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for the data transfer.
Code: pv -e [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display ETA while copying a file:
Code: pv -e inputfile > outputfile
5. Displaying Data Transfer Rate
Description: Displays the data transfer rate during the pipeline operation.
Code: pv -r [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To show the data transfer rate:
Code: pv -r inputfile > outputfile
6. Displaying Timer Information
Description: Displays the elapsed time since the start of the data transfer.
Code: pv -t [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display the elapsed time during file transfer:
Code: pv -t inputfile > outputfile
7. Combining Options
Description: Combines multiple display options, such as showing progress, ETA, rate, and timer.
Code: pv -pet [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display progress, ETA, and elapsed time together:
Code: pv -pet inputfile > outputfile
8. Using PV in a Pipeline with Other Commands
Description: Monitors data passing through a pipeline that involves multiple commands.
Code: command1 | pv | command2
Example: To monitor the compression of a file:
Code: cat inputfile | pv | gzip > outputfile.gz
9. Displaying Average Data Transfer Rate
Description: Displays the average data transfer rate for the entire operation.
Code: pv -a [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display the average transfer rate while copying a file:
Code: pv -a inputfile > outputfile
10. Showing Byte Count in Human-Readable Format
Description: Displays the total byte count in a human-readable format, such as KB, MB, or GB.
Code: pv -h [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display the total bytes transferred in a readable format:
Code: pv -h inputfile > outputfile
11. Writing Output to Multiple Destinations
Description: Writes the output to multiple destinations simultaneously.
Code: pv [InputFile] | tee [OutputFile1] > [OutputFile2]
Example: To write output to two files simultaneously:
Code: pv inputfile | tee outputfile1 > outputfile2
12. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the PV command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for PV:
The **PV** command is a powerful utility for monitoring data transfer through pipelines, making it an essential tool for anyone working with large file transfers or data processing tasks in Unix-like systems. By mastering these commands, you can effectively monitor and manage data pipelines, ensuring efficient and transparent data handling.
Happy Monitoring!
Comprehensive List of PEV Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:18 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of PEV Commands with Descriptions
**PEV** (PE Viewer) is a command-line utility used for analyzing Portable Executable (PE) files on Windows systems. It provides detailed information about the structure and contents of PE files, including headers, sections, imports, and more. Below is a detailed list of PEV commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Displaying PE Header Information
Description: Displays detailed information about the PE header of a file, including the DOS header, NT headers, and optional headers.
Example: To display the PE header information of `example.exe`:
2. Displaying Section Headers
Description: Displays information about the section headers within a PE file, including section names, virtual addresses, and sizes.
Example: To display section header information for `example.exe`:
3. Displaying Import Table Information
Description: Displays the import table of a PE file, showing the libraries and functions that the executable imports.
Example: To display the import table for `example.exe`:
4. Displaying Export Table Information
Description: Displays the export table of a PE file, listing the functions and symbols that the executable exports.
Example: To display the export table for `example.dll`:
5. Displaying PE File Entry Point
Description: Displays the entry point address of a PE file, which is the address where execution starts.
Example: To display the entry point for `example.exe`:
6. Displaying Resources Information
Description: Displays information about the resources embedded in a PE file, such as icons, dialogs, and strings.
Example: To display the resources in `example.exe`:
7. Displaying PE File Version Information
Description: Displays the version information stored in the PE file, such as product name, version number, and company name.
Example: To display the version information of `example.exe`:
8. Displaying Relocation Table
Description: Displays the relocation table of a PE file, showing how the executable can be loaded at different memory addresses.
Example: To display the relocation table for `example.exe`:
9. Displaying Debug Information
Description: Displays the debug information contained within a PE file, such as symbols and line number information.
Example: To display the debug information for `example.exe`:
10. Displaying Bound Import Information
Description: Displays information about the bound imports in a PE file, which can improve load times by pre-linking to certain DLLs.
Example: To display bound import information for `example.exe`:
11. Displaying TLS (Thread Local Storage) Information
Description: Displays information about the Thread Local Storage (TLS) directory in a PE file, which is used for thread-specific data.
Example: To display TLS information for `example.exe`:
12. Displaying PE File Characteristics
Description: Displays the characteristics of a PE file, such as whether it is a DLL, system file, or has specific attributes.
Example: To display the characteristics of `example.exe`:
13. Displaying Header Checksum
Description: Displays the checksum of the PE file's headers, which is used to verify the integrity of the file.
Example: To display the header checksum of `example.exe`:
14. Displaying Overlay Information
Description: Displays information about the overlay of a PE file, which is additional data appended to the end of the file that is not part of the executable's normal sections.
Example: To display overlay information for `example.exe`:
15. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the PEV command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for PEV:
The **PEV** command is a powerful tool for analyzing and inspecting Portable Executable files, making it an essential utility for developers, security analysts, and system administrators. By mastering these commands, you can gain deep insights into the structure and contents of PE files, ensuring better control over executable management and security.
Happy Analyzing!
Comprehensive List of Pausep Commands with Descriptions |
Posted by: Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:16 AM - Forum: Batch & Shell Scripting
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Comprehensive List of Pausep Commands with Descriptions
**Pausep** is a command-line utility used to pause and resume processes on a Windows system. This can be useful for managing system resources or debugging processes. Below is a detailed list of Pausep commands, along with descriptions and examples.
1. Pausing a Process by PID
Description: Pauses a process by its Process ID (PID), effectively freezing the process.
Example: To pause a process with PID 1234:
2. Pausing a Process by Name
Description: Pauses all processes with the specified name.
Code: pausep.exe [ProcessName]
Example: To pause all instances of `notepad.exe`:
Code: pausep.exe notepad.exe
3. Resuming a Process by PID
Description: Resumes a previously paused process by its PID.
Example: To resume a process with PID 1234:
4. Resuming a Process by Name
Description: Resumes all paused processes with the specified name.
Code: pausep.exe -r [ProcessName]
Example: To resume all instances of `notepad.exe`:
Code: pausep.exe -r notepad.exe
5. Pausing All Processes
Description: Pauses all running processes on the system. This command should be used with caution, as it will freeze the entire system except for critical processes.
Example: To pause all processes:
6. Resuming All Processes
Description: Resumes all paused processes on the system.
Example: To resume all paused processes:
7. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the Pausep command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
Example: To display help information for Pausep:
The **Pausep** command is a powerful utility for managing and controlling processes on a Windows system, especially useful in scenarios where you need to temporarily halt a process for debugging or resource management. By mastering these commands, you can efficiently pause and resume processes, ensuring better control over your system.
Happy Process Management!