AutoHotkey Tutorial - Printable Version

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AutoHotkey Tutorial - Sneakyone - 09-03-2024

AutoHotkey Tutorial

Welcome to the AutoHotkey tutorial! AutoHotkey is a powerful, free scripting language for Windows that allows you to automate tasks, create custom hotkeys, and modify system behavior. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using AutoHotkey, from installation to creating and managing scripts.

1. Installing AutoHotkey

Step 1: Download AutoHotkey.
- Visit the official AutoHotkey website and download the latest version of AutoHotkey for Windows.

Step 2: Install the software.
- Run the downloaded installer file and follow the on-screen instructions to install AutoHotkey on your computer.
- Once the installation is complete, you can start creating scripts immediately.

2. Understanding the Basics of AutoHotkey Scripts

An AutoHotkey script is a plain text file with the `.ahk` extension that contains commands and code to automate tasks. Here's a quick overview of the structure of an AutoHotkey script:

1. Hotkeys:
- Hotkeys trigger an action when you press a specific key combination. Example:
^j::Send, Hello, World!
This script sends "Hello, World!" when you press Ctrl + J.

2. Hotstrings:
- Hotstrings replace text when you type a specific string. Example:
::btw::by the way
This script replaces "btw" with "by the way" as you type.

3. Commands:
- Commands perform actions like running programs, opening files, or manipulating windows. Example:
Run, notepad.exe
This script opens Notepad.

3. Creating Your First AutoHotkey Script

Step 1: Create a new script file.
- Right-click on your desktop or in a folder, select New > AutoHotkey Script.
- Name the script (e.g., "MyFirstScript.ahk") and press Enter.

Step 2: Edit the script.
- Right-click on the script file and select Edit Script.
- This opens the script in your default text editor, where you can start writing your code.

Step 3: Write a simple script.
- Here's a basic script to create a hotkey that opens Notepad:
^n::Run, notepad.exe
- Save the script and close the text editor.

Step 4: Run the script.
- Double-click the script file to run it. Once the script is running, pressing Ctrl + N will open Notepad.

4. Common AutoHotkey Commands and Functions

1. Sending Keystrokes:
- Use the `Send` command to simulate key presses. Example:
^j::Send, This is a test.

2. Running Programs:
- The `Run` command launches programs or opens files. Example:
F2::Run, calc.exe
Pressing F2 opens the Calculator.

3. Creating Message Boxes:
- The `MsgBox` command displays a message box with custom text. Example:
^m::MsgBox, AutoHotkey is running!

4. Sleep Function:
- The `Sleep` command pauses the script for a specified duration (in milliseconds). Example:
Send, Starting in 3 seconds...
Sleep, 3000
Send, Go!

5. Window Management:
- Control window behavior with commands like `WinActivate`, `WinMinimize`, and `WinMaximize`. Example:
^w::WinMinimize, A
Pressing Ctrl + W minimizes the active window.

5. Advanced AutoHotkey Techniques

1. Loops:
- Loops repeat a block of code multiple times. Example:
Loop, 5
    MsgBox, Loop iteration %A_Index%
This script shows a message box five times when you press Ctrl + L.

2. If Statements:
- Conditional statements allow you to execute code based on conditions. Example:
InputBox, UserInput, Enter a number:
if (UserInput > 10)
    MsgBox, The number is greater than 10.
    MsgBox, The number is 10 or less.

3. Variables and Expressions:
- Variables store data, and expressions evaluate calculations or conditions. Example:
MyVar := 5 + 10
MsgBox, The result is %MyVar%.

4. Using Functions:
- Functions allow you to create reusable code blocks. Example:
MyFunction() {
    MsgBox, This is a function!

6. Managing and Editing Scripts

Step 1: Edit existing scripts.
- Right-click on any `.ahk` file and select Edit Script to modify the script in your text editor.

Step 2: Reload scripts.
- If you make changes to a running script, right-click the AutoHotkey icon in the system tray and select Reload Script.

Step 3: Pause or Exit scripts.
- To temporarily stop a script, right-click the AutoHotkey icon in the system tray and select Pause Script.
- To completely stop the script, select Exit.

Step 4: Compile scripts.
- You can compile `.ahk` scripts into standalone executables. Right-click the script file and select Compile Script. This creates a `.exe` file that can run without needing AutoHotkey installed.

7. Troubleshooting and Debugging

1. Checking for errors:
- If a script doesn't run as expected, check for syntax errors by running the script. AutoHotkey will show an error message if it encounters problems.

2. Using the `ListLines` command:
- Add `ListLines` to your script to display a list of executed lines, helping you debug the script.

3. Using `MsgBox` for debugging:
- Insert `MsgBox` commands at various points in your script to display the value of variables or the flow of execution.


This tutorial has introduced you to the basics of using AutoHotkey, from writing your first script to exploring advanced techniques. AutoHotkey is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your productivity by automating tasks and creating custom shortcuts on your Windows computer.

Happy Scripting!