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ChurchInfo Version 1.3.1 Tutorial
ChurchInfo Version 1.3.1 Tutorial

Welcome to the ChurchInfo Version 1.3.1 tutorial! ChurchInfo is an open-source church management software that helps churches manage their membership, contributions, events, and other activities. This tutorial will guide you through the setup and usage of ChurchInfo, covering everything from installing the software to managing church operations.

1. Installing ChurchInfo Version 1.3.1

Step 1: Download ChurchInfo.
- Visit the ChurchInfo website and download the latest version of ChurchInfo (Version 1.3.1).

Step 2: Set up your server environment.
- ChurchInfo requires a web server with PHP and MySQL installed. If you don’t have a server setup, you can use XAMPP or WAMP as a local server environment.

Step 3: Extract and upload ChurchInfo files.
- Extract the downloaded ChurchInfo files and upload them to your web server’s root directory (e.g., `htdocs` or `www`).

Step 4: Create a MySQL database.
- Log in to your MySQL server using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool, and create a new database (e.g., `churchinfo_db`).
- Create a MySQL user with privileges to access this database.

Step 5: Run the ChurchInfo installer.
- Open your web browser and navigate to `http://localhost/churchinfo` (or the path where you uploaded the files).
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Enter your MySQL database details when prompted.

Step 6: Log in to ChurchInfo.
- After installation, log in using the default credentials:
  - Username: `admin`
  - Password: `churchinfo`
- It’s recommended to change the admin password immediately after logging in.

2. Configuring ChurchInfo

Step 1: Set up your church information.
- Go to Admin > Edit Church Information.
- Enter your church’s name, address, contact information, and other details.
- Click Save Changes to update your church information.

Step 2: Configure system settings.
- Navigate to Admin > Edit General Settings.
- Adjust settings such as the default country, time zone, and language.
- Click Save Changes to apply your settings.

Step 3: Customize roles and permissions.
- Go to Admin > User Manager to add new users and assign roles.
- Customize permissions for different user roles to control access to various parts of the system.

3. Managing Church Members

Step 1: Add a new family.
- Navigate to People/Families > Add Family.
- Enter the family’s last name, address, phone number, and other relevant details.
- Click Save to add the family to the database.

Step 2: Add individual members.
- After adding a family, you can add individual members by clicking Add Member next to the family name.
- Enter each member’s personal details, including their name, birthdate, gender, and role within the family.
- Click Save to add the member.

Step 3: View and edit member details.
- To view or edit a member’s information, go to People/Families > View All Members.
- Click on a member’s name to view their profile. You can edit their details by clicking Edit in their profile.

Step 4: Assign group memberships.
- Go to a member’s profile and click Assign Group to add them to specific church groups (e.g., youth group, choir).
- Select the group from the dropdown menu and click Add.

4. Managing Contributions and Donations

Step 1: Add a new fund.
- Navigate to Finance > Add Fund.
- Enter the name of the fund (e.g., General Fund, Building Fund) and a description.
- Click Save to create the fund.

Step 2: Record contributions.
- Go to Finance > Enter Contributions.
- Select the date of the contribution and choose the donor from the dropdown list.
- Enter the amount, select the fund, and add any additional notes.
- Click Save Contribution to record the donation.

Step 3: Generate contribution reports.
- Navigate to Reports > Finance Reports > Contribution Summary.
- Select the date range and choose whether to report by family or individual.
- Click Generate Report to view the summary of contributions.

Step 4: Issue giving statements.
- Go to Reports > Finance Reports > Giving Statements.
- Select the donors and the date range for the statement.
- Click Generate Statements to create and print giving statements for tax purposes.

5. Managing Church Events

Step 1: Add a new event.
- Navigate to Calendar > Add Event.
- Enter the event name, date, time, location, and a brief description.
- Click Save to add the event to the church calendar.

Step 2: Manage event attendance.
- Go to Calendar > View Events and select the event you want to manage.
- Click Manage Attendance to mark members as present, absent, or excused.
- Save the attendance records for future reference.

Step 3: Generate event reports.
- Navigate to Reports > Event Reports to generate attendance and participation reports for specific events.
- Select the event and the desired date range, then click Generate Report.

6. Communicating with Members

Step 1: Send email newsletters.
- Go to Communication > Send Email.
- Select the group or individuals you want to send the email to.
- Compose your message, and click Send Email.

Step 2: Print mailing labels.
- Navigate to Reports > Mailing Labels.
- Select the members or families for whom you need to print labels.
- Click Generate Labels to print mailing labels for newsletters or other mailings.

Step 3: Create a church directory.
- Go to Reports > Church Directory.
- Select the members or families you want to include in the directory.
- Customize the layout and click Generate Directory to create a printable church directory.

7. Backing Up and Restoring Data

Step 1: Back up your data.
- It’s important to regularly back up your church data to prevent loss.
- Go to Admin > Backup Database.
- Click Download Backup to save a copy of your database to your computer.

Step 2: Restore data from a backup.
- If you need to restore data, go to Admin > Restore Database.
- Click Choose File to select your backup file, then click Restore to restore your data.

8. Generating Reports and Analytics

Step 1: Generate member reports.
- Go to Reports > Member Reports to generate reports based on membership status, age groups, and more.
- Select the criteria and click Generate Report to view or print the report.

Step 2: Analyze financial data.
- Navigate to Reports > Finance Reports > Income and Expense.
- Select the date range and funds you want to analyze.
- Click Generate Report to view your church’s financial summary.

Step 3: Track growth and participation.
- Use the Growth Reports and Participation Reports under the Reports menu to track trends in attendance, new memberships, and group participation.


This tutorial has introduced you to the basics of using ChurchInfo Version 1.3.1, from installing the software to managing members, contributions, events, and communications. ChurchInfo is a powerful tool that can help you efficiently manage your church’s operations and foster better communication within your congregation.

Happy Church Management!

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