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Comprehensive List of Hidec Commands with Descriptions
Comprehensive List of Hidec Commands with Descriptions

**Hidec** is a command-line utility used to run console applications or batch files silently, without displaying a command prompt window. This is particularly useful for scripts or commands that need to run in the background without user interaction. Below is a detailed list of Hidec commands, along with descriptions and examples.

1. Running a Command Silently
Description: Executes a specified command or script without displaying the command prompt window.
hidec.exe [Command]
Example: To run `example.bat` silently:
hidec.exe example.bat

2. Running a Command with Arguments
Description: Executes a specified command with arguments, hiding the command prompt window.
hidec.exe [Command] [Arguments]
Example: To run `example.bat` with arguments `arg1` and `arg2` silently:
hidec.exe example.bat arg1 arg2

3. Running a System Command Silently
Description: Executes a built-in system command, such as `dir`, without displaying the command prompt window.
hidec.exe cmd /c [SystemCommand]
Example: To run the `dir` command silently:
hidec.exe cmd /c dir

4. Running a Command with a Specific Working Directory
Description: Executes a command or script from a specified working directory without displaying the command prompt window.
hidec.exe /d [Directory] [Command]
Example: To run `example.bat` from `C:\Scripts` silently:
hidec.exe /d C:\Scripts example.bat

5. Running a Command and Redirecting Output to a File
Description: Executes a command silently and redirects the output to a specified file.
hidec.exe [Command] > [OutputFile]
Example: To run `example.bat` and redirect output to `output.txt`:
hidec.exe example.bat > output.txt

6. Running a Command Silently with Administrator Privileges
Description: Executes a command or script with elevated (Administrator) privileges, hiding the command prompt window. This typically requires using the `runas` command.
hidec.exe runas /user:Administrator "cmd /c [Command]"
Example: To run `example.bat` as Administrator silently:
hidec.exe runas /user:Administrator "cmd /c example.bat"

7. Running a Batch File Silently
Description: Executes a batch file without displaying the command prompt window.
hidec.exe [BatchFile]
Example: To run `cleanup.bat` silently:
hidec.exe cleanup.bat

8. Running a PowerShell Script Silently
Description: Executes a PowerShell script without displaying the PowerShell window.
hidec.exe powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file [ScriptPath]
Example: To run `script.ps1` silently:
hidec.exe powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file script.ps1

9. Running a Command and Logging Output to a File
Description: Executes a command or script silently and logs both standard output and error output to a specified file.
hidec.exe [Command] > [LogFile] 2>&1
Example: To run `example.bat` and log all output to `log.txt`:
hidec.exe example.bat > log.txt 2>&1

10. Running a Command and Appending Output to a File
Description: Executes a command silently and appends the output to a specified file.
hidec.exe [Command] >> [OutputFile]
Example: To run `example.bat` and append output to `output.txt`:
hidec.exe example.bat >> output.txt

11. Running a Command and Waiting for Completion
Description: Runs a command silently and waits for it to complete before returning control to the command prompt.
hidec.exe /w [Command]
Example: To run `example.bat` and wait for it to finish:
hidec.exe /w example.bat

12. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the Hidec command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
hidec.exe /?
Example: To display help information for Hidec:
hidec.exe /?


The **Hidec** command is a useful utility for running scripts and commands in the background without displaying a command prompt window. By mastering these commands, you can effectively automate tasks, run background processes, and manage scripts discreetly on Windows systems.

Happy Scripting!

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Comprehensive List of Hidec Commands with Descriptions - by Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:08 AM

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