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Comprehensive List of MBR Commands with Descriptions
Comprehensive List of MBR Commands with Descriptions

**MBR** (Master Boot Record) is a command-line utility used for managing and manipulating the Master Boot Record on a disk. Below is a detailed list of MBR commands, along with descriptions and examples.

1. Backing Up the Master Boot Record
Description: Creates a backup of the MBR from a specified disk and saves it to a file.
mbr.exe -b [OutputFile] [Disk]
Example: To back up the MBR of disk 0 to `mbr_backup.bin`:
mbr.exe -b mbr_backup.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0

2. Restoring the Master Boot Record
Description: Restores the MBR from a backup file to a specified disk.
mbr.exe -r [InputFile] [Disk]
Example: To restore the MBR to disk 0 from `mbr_backup.bin`:
mbr.exe -r mbr_backup.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0

3. Displaying the Master Boot Record
Description: Displays the contents of the MBR on a specified disk in hexadecimal format.
mbr.exe -d [Disk]
Example: To display the MBR of disk 0:
mbr.exe -d \\.\PhysicalDrive0

4. Clearing the Master Boot Record
Description: Clears (zeros out) the MBR on a specified disk, effectively removing the partition table and boot code.
mbr.exe -c [Disk]
Example: To clear the MBR on disk 0:
mbr.exe -c \\.\PhysicalDrive0
Warning: This operation will destroy all partition information on the disk.

5. Writing a Custom MBR
Description: Writes a custom MBR from a binary file to a specified disk.
mbr.exe -w [InputFile] [Disk]
Example: To write a custom MBR from `custom_mbr.bin` to disk 0:
mbr.exe -w custom_mbr.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0

6. Verifying the Integrity of the MBR
Description: Compares the MBR on a specified disk with a backup file to verify its integrity.
mbr.exe -v [InputFile] [Disk]
Example: To verify the MBR on disk 0 against `mbr_backup.bin`:
mbr.exe -v mbr_backup.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0

7. Displaying the Partition Table
Description: Displays the partition table entries within the MBR of a specified disk.
mbr.exe -p [Disk]
Example: To display the partition table on disk 0:
mbr.exe -p \\.\PhysicalDrive0

8. Editing the Partition Table
Description: Manually edits the partition table entries in the MBR of a specified disk.
mbr.exe -e [Disk]
Example: To edit the partition table on disk 0:
mbr.exe -e \\.\PhysicalDrive0
Note: Use this command with caution, as incorrect edits can make the disk unbootable.

9. Restoring the MBR from a Standard MBR File
Description: Restores the MBR using a standard MBR binary file provided by the utility or the operating system.
mbr.exe -s [Disk]
Example: To restore the standard MBR to disk 0:
mbr.exe -s \\.\PhysicalDrive0

10. Logging Operations to a File
Description: Logs the details of MBR operations to a specified file for auditing or troubleshooting purposes.
mbr.exe -l [LogFile] [Command] [Disk]
Example: To log the MBR backup operation to `mbr_log.txt`:
mbr.exe -l mbr_log.txt -b mbr_backup.bin \\.\PhysicalDrive0

11. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the MBR command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
mbr.exe -h
Example: To display help information for the MBR utility:
mbr.exe -h


The **MBR** utility is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating the Master Boot Record on a disk. By mastering these commands, you can efficiently back up, restore, and edit the MBR, ensuring the integrity and bootability of your systems.

Happy Managing!

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Comprehensive List of MBR Commands with Descriptions - by Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:11 AM

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