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Comprehensive List of PV Commands with Descriptions
Comprehensive List of PV Commands with Descriptions

**pv** (Pipe Viewer) is a command-line utility used to monitor the progress of data through a pipeline, providing real-time visual feedback on data transfer rates, time elapsed, estimated time remaining, and more. Below is a detailed list of PV commands, along with descriptions and examples.

1. Basic Data Transfer Monitoring
Description: Monitors the progress of data transfer through a pipeline.
pv [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To monitor the copying of `inputfile` to `outputfile`:
pv inputfile > outputfile

2. Limiting Data Transfer Rate
Description: Limits the data transfer rate to a specified number of bytes per second.
pv -L [Rate] [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To limit the data transfer rate to 1MB per second:
pv -L 1m inputfile > outputfile

3. Showing the Progress Bar Only
Description: Displays only the progress bar, suppressing other output.
pv -p [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To show just the progress bar during file transfer:
pv -p inputfile > outputfile

4. Showing ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
Description: Displays the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for the data transfer.
pv -e [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display ETA while copying a file:
pv -e inputfile > outputfile

5. Displaying Data Transfer Rate
Description: Displays the data transfer rate during the pipeline operation.
pv -r [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To show the data transfer rate:
pv -r inputfile > outputfile

6. Displaying Timer Information
Description: Displays the elapsed time since the start of the data transfer.
pv -t [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display the elapsed time during file transfer:
pv -t inputfile > outputfile

7. Combining Options
Description: Combines multiple display options, such as showing progress, ETA, rate, and timer.
pv -pet [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display progress, ETA, and elapsed time together:
pv -pet inputfile > outputfile

8. Using PV in a Pipeline with Other Commands
Description: Monitors data passing through a pipeline that involves multiple commands.
command1 | pv | command2
Example: To monitor the compression of a file:
cat inputfile | pv | gzip > outputfile.gz

9. Displaying Average Data Transfer Rate
Description: Displays the average data transfer rate for the entire operation.
pv -a [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display the average transfer rate while copying a file:
pv -a inputfile > outputfile

10. Showing Byte Count in Human-Readable Format
Description: Displays the total byte count in a human-readable format, such as KB, MB, or GB.
pv -h [InputFile] > [OutputFile]
Example: To display the total bytes transferred in a readable format:
pv -h inputfile > outputfile

11. Writing Output to Multiple Destinations
Description: Writes the output to multiple destinations simultaneously.
pv [InputFile] | tee [OutputFile1] > [OutputFile2]
Example: To write output to two files simultaneously:
pv inputfile | tee outputfile1 > outputfile2

12. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the PV command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
pv --help
Example: To display help information for PV:
pv --help


The **PV** command is a powerful utility for monitoring data transfer through pipelines, making it an essential tool for anyone working with large file transfers or data processing tasks in Unix-like systems. By mastering these commands, you can effectively monitor and manage data pipelines, ensuring efficient and transparent data handling.

Happy Monitoring!

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Comprehensive List of PV Commands with Descriptions - by Sneakyone - 09-03-2024, 02:20 AM

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