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Comprehensive List of Mtee Commands with Descriptions
Comprehensive List of Mtee Commands with Descriptions

**Mtee** is a command-line utility that allows you to tee (duplicate) the output of a command to multiple destinations, such as files and the console, simultaneously. Below is a detailed list of Mtee commands, along with descriptions and examples.

1. Basic Output to File and Console
Description: Redirects the output of a command to both a file and the console.
command | mtee [OutputFile]
Example: To list directory contents and save the output to `output.txt` while displaying it in the console:
dir | mtee output.txt

2. Append Output to a File
Description: Appends the output of a command to an existing file rather than overwriting it.
command | mtee -a [OutputFile]
Example: To append the output of a directory listing to `output.txt`:
dir | mtee -a output.txt

3. Suppress Output to Console
Description: Redirects the output of a command to a file while suppressing the output to the console.
command | mtee -q [OutputFile]
Example: To save the output of `dir` to `output.txt` without displaying it in the console:
dir | mtee -q output.txt

4. Writing Output to Multiple Files
Description: Redirects the output of a command to multiple files simultaneously.
command | mtee [OutputFile1] [OutputFile2]
Example: To save the output of `dir` to both `output1.txt` and `output2.txt`:
dir | mtee output1.txt output2.txt

5. Redirecting Output and Error Streams to Different Files
Description: Redirects standard output and standard error streams to different files.
command 1> [OutputFile] 2> [ErrorFile]
Example: To save standard output to `output.txt` and errors to `error.txt`:
dir 1> output.txt 2> error.txt

6. Combining Output and Error Streams
Description: Combines both standard output and standard error streams and writes them to a single file.
command 2>&1 | mtee [OutputFile]
Example: To save both standard output and errors to `output.txt`:
dir 2>&1 | mtee output.txt

7. Using Mtee with a Delayed Command Execution
Description: Delays the execution of a command and redirects the output to a file.
timeout /t [Seconds] >nul & command | mtee [OutputFile]
Example: To wait for 5 seconds before listing the directory contents and saving the output to `output.txt`:
timeout /t 5 >nul & dir | mtee output.txt

8. Piping Output Through Multiple Commands
Description: Pipes the output of a command through multiple commands, with Mtee capturing the final output.
command1 | command2 | mtee [OutputFile]
Example: To list directory contents, filter for `.txt` files, and save the output to `output.txt`:
dir | findstr ".txt" | mtee output.txt

9. Redirecting Input from a File
Description: Uses Mtee to process the contents of a file through a command.
type [InputFile] | command | mtee [OutputFile]
Example: To display the contents of `input.txt`, process it, and save the output to `output.txt`:
type input.txt | findstr "search_string" | mtee output.txt

10. Logging Output with Timestamping
Description: Logs command output to a file with a timestamp for each entry.
command | mtee -t [OutputFile]
Example: To log the output of a command with timestamps to `log.txt`:
dir | mtee -t log.txt

11. Displaying Help Information
Description: Displays help information for the Mtee command, listing all available options and their descriptions.
mtee -?
Example: To display help information for Mtee:
mtee -?


The **Mtee** command is a versatile tool for duplicating the output of commands to multiple destinations, making it ideal for logging, debugging, and output management. By mastering these commands, you can effectively manage and control the output of your scripts and commands on Windows systems.

Happy Scripting!

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